Write and send an SMS message
1. Select Menu > Messaging > Create message > Text message.
2. Enter a message. See “Write text,” p. 22.
At the top of the display, the message length indicator tracks the
number of available characters. For example, 10/2 means that you
can still add 10 characters for the text to be sent as two messages.
To insert text templates or a picture into the message, see
“Templates,” p. 27. Each picture message comprises several text
messages. Sending one picture or multipart message may cost more
than sending one text message.
3. To send the message, select Send > Recently used, To phone number,
To many, or To e-mail address. To send a message using a predefined
message profile, select Via sending profile. For the message profile,
see “Text and SMS e-mail,” p. 40. Select or enter a phone number or
e-mail address, or select a profile.